There is practically no greater challenge than being a teacher. Being responsible for the physical and emotional well-being, as well as the academic and overall growth, for anywhere between 25 and 100 students is an unbelievable feat. This in itself is quite the balancing act, but when you have students whose needs and safety are compromised outside of school, things can get all the more challenging.
Considering that over half of all public school children are living in poverty, the dynamic for teaching has shifted a great deal in the past few decades, and teachers are at the forefront of it all. Children enter classrooms with home lives and backgrounds that can range from heart-wrenching to downright horrific, and educators, like the students themselves, need as much support as they can get.
As an emergency children’s shelter, AAHN’s Place sees these children firsthand, and know exactly the struggles—as well as incredible successes—that can come from working with children in the foster care system. We thank teachers so much for their service, and from working with foster care children outside of school, believe we can share some insights and valuable reminders.